EFS Practitioners in North Carolina
Residential/ Business
(828) 735-3700
Terry Jiang
Create the life you have always envisioned with the support of Feng Shui. For over 30 years, Terri has been working with people and their environments, specializing in color selection, clutter management and feng shui. By attuning to the unique needs of each client, design solutions are created to meet each client’s goals. This allows the client to more readily achieve his/her goals. Our environments offer us a tremendous opportunity to consciously participate in our lives. As we become more conscious about what we have created in our spaces, we can more consciously choose what we want to create in our lives.
Residential/ Business
(760) 533-5690
Shivam Kohls
Shivam can help you experience greater health, prosperity, more fulfilling and happier relationships, increased creativity and career satisfaction. She uses a variety of tools which she weaves together to help you get the results you want. Shivam consults with both residential and business property owners and specializes in helping people who are overwhelmed with too much chaos, disorganization and clutter.
She is a graduate of the Western School of Feng Shui, a member of their Speakers Bureau, facilitated programs for the Essential Feng Shui Practitioner Trainings and has taught Feng Shui classes and workshops in a variety of venues in San Diego. Shivam is a graduate of the Clinical Hypnosis Institute, completed the Teaching Practicum at UCSD’s Mindfulness Institute for Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and studied life coaching through the International Coach Academy.
Shivam designed Instinctual Mindful Movement, a therapeutic body movement method for healing and transformation which she facilitated at different venues including The Golden Door, The Chopra Center and Rhino Records. She has also helped hundreds of corporate individuals as a consultant, assisting them in finding ways to alleviate stress and find balance in their lives through the ChaosOver Inc. Information Management System.
Her 4 Pillars of Health and Wellbeing program helps women over 40 who are struggling with stress, helping them get their life back. Find out more here and download my free e-Book: Stress Less and Get Your Life Back.
Judith Nourse
Residential/ Business
(828) 698-8036
Motivated by a series of cancer deaths in my family in my early 20’s, I began a lifetime search for understanding of what makes people sick and what supports wellness. After 50 years as a healthcare practitioner, instructor, and consultant, I see Feng Shui as energetic medicine for our surroundings, and the missing 4th in the mind/body/spirit model of health and wellbeing. It may be the key to recurrence of serious illness, failure to heal, and failure of addictions treatment programs to change habits.
The purpose of my Feng Shui work is always to empower clients and students. By developing awareness of the influence of surroundings, and learning and applying the principles of Feng Shui, conscious choices can be made to effect and support change.
Judith’s professional training in Feng Shui consulting was with the Western School of Feng Shui , followed by ongoing mentorship in the Tibetan Buddhist (BTB) tradition of HH Grandmaster Professor Lin-Yun with Katherine Metz. Judith has been a Feng Shui practitioner since 1996, and has been teaching seminars in basic Feng Shui principles in colleges and for private groups and organizations since 2002.
Judith contributed the chapter, “Practice Makes Perfect,” to The Western Guide to Feng Shui for Prosperity by Terah Collins, Hay House, 2002. Her article, “Reflexology, Affirmations and Feng Shui: Combining Three Healing Modalities” was published in the International Council of Reflexologists newmagazine, September, 2006.
Although I maintain a part-time reflexology practice, Feng Shui consulting remains my first love because I have seen the greatest changes occur in the lives and health of my Feng Shui clients.
Much of Judith’s current Feng Shui work is with former clients requesting a new home consultation. “Return clients are the greatest compliment.”
Laura Staley
Residential/ Small Business
(614) 361-3189
The founder of Cherish Your World, Laura Staley passionately supports people thriving by guiding them to a holistic transformation of space, heart, and life. Laura knows that there’s a relationship between the conditions of our homes or workplaces and the quality of our lives. Trained and certified with the Western School of Feng Shui and seasoned by two decades of working with a variety of clients, Laura uses her intuition and expertise to empower her clients to produce remarkable results in their lives. Her trifecta of serving people includes speaking, writing, and compassionate listening. She serves clients in central Ohio, western North Carolina, and on Zoom!
As a columnist with BizCatalyst360, an award-winning, multi-media digest, Laura writes personal essays focused on self-discovery, feng shui, emotional health, and transformations from the inside out. As a columnist for the OWL magazine, Write for Good, Laura writes meaningful, informative articles about spiritual growth, self-discovery, and emotional wellness.
Laura is the published author of four books: Abundant Heart: Thoughts on Healing, Loving, and Living Free), Live Inspired, Let Go Courageously and Live with Love: Transform Your Life with Feng Shui), and the Cherish Your World Gift Book of 100 Tips to Enhance Your Home and Life. Her essay, “He Had me at Mary Oliver,” is published in the best-selling anthology, Crappy to Happy: True Stories of Grit, Grace, and Love by Rev. Ariel Patricia and Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos. Her essay “My Son and Me” is published in the best-selling anthology, Mayhem to Miracles: True Stories of Courage, Triumph, and Peace by Rev. Ariel Patricia & Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos.
Prior to creating her company, Laura worked as a fulltime parent and an assistant professor at Ohio Wesleyan University. She earned a Ph.D. in political science from The Ohio State University. Her joys in life include laughing with loved ones, dancing, reading, meditating, running, being in nature, and listening to music she loves. She resides in Black Mountain, NC.